We aim to use comments functionality as a tool to engage with the online community. The ability to comment is a chance for our clients to provide feedback, ask questions and engage with both us and their peers. We want to create a positive and engaging online experience for our users, aiming to buildusers. The Records Toolkit site will be a place for two way conversations and discussions focussed on sharing experiences and building the collective capability of the records and information management community in the New Zealand.
Initially, all comments will be held for moderation before publishing. This will help us to build a picture of who is engaging with us and what they’re saying so we can manage any risks that may be associated with such an open forum.
Comments that are spam will not be published.
Comments that are aggressive, derogatory, don’t contain substance relevant to the blog post or that are overtly commercial will not be published.
In general, comments will be published unless a valid reason (examples(like the examples above) exists for not publishing the comment. We may be in a position where we end up publishingposting comments that challenge Archives New Zealand. We will need to respond accordingly to these comments.
Blog authors will be responsible for responding to comments on their blog post. The authorAuthor can, and should, seek advice from the site administrator and other team members about whether a response is required if they are unsure of how to respond.
All comments received will be recorded (excluding clear spam) even if it is not published.